Industry Pets - The Talk Show about Pets!

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Pro Wrestler with a Pet Pig! Jessica Elaban FKA Jessi Kamea

Industry Pets is ecstatic to welcome Jessica Elaban to the show to introduce us to her pet pig named Blanket! Jessica, formerly Jessi Kamea in WWE’s NXT, tells us what life with a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig is like! Have you ever wondered if pigs make good pets? What is needed to consider before getting a pig? Jessica Elaban answers this and more on this episode of Industry Pets, including funny stories of her pig named Blanket.

If you know me, you know I’m a huge wrestling fan. It was super cool to talk with Jessica about Blanket! Make sure you support her and follow her on Instagram and social media! I appreciate it if you can leave a comment on the video as well, let us know what you think!

Follow her on Instagram.

Jessica’s ART:
