Industry Pets - The Talk Show about Pets!

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Marissa Alma Nick and Waffle: A story of Loss and Healing

Hello again Industry Pets Gang! We are excited to present a very special episode!  Marissa Alma Nick, author and dance choreographer.  Marissa was scheduled to be with us. Before we were able to record the episode, her Brussels Griffon best friend named Waffle passed away.  We are thankful that Marissa was still open to joining us and making this a very special episode for Marissa to reflect and share Waffle’s story to you.

Marissa Alma Nick and Waffle


In this episode, you will learn the story of how Waffle came into Marissa’s life via her best friend Julie, and how Waffle helped Marissa on her journey of healing both physically and mentally.


RIP Waffle this episode is for you.


Marissa took In Waffle who was her best friend Julie’s dog. Julie passed away from suicide. This episode was very special to me because it shows the power of healing, that Marissa provided to Waffle and that Waffle also provided to Marissa.  


I am thankful that Marissa still had the strength to record an interview about Waffle, as he had recently just passed at the time of recording this.

Industry Pets: Marissa Alma Nick and Waffle Full Episode


Marissa’s book “Rebel In Venus” is available now in physical form and audio book. More info at


The animal charity highlight in this episode is Best Friends Animal Society. You can find out more info, or donate at




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TikTok: MarissaAlmaNick
