Industry Pets - The Talk Show about Pets!

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DJ Tina T's Desert Tortoise

DJ Tina T one of the top DJ’s of Las vegas

Welcome DJ Tina T to the show! When she’s not rocking the crowds and helping do good for the community, she is relaxing with her two awesome pets Oscar the chihuahua and Eddie the desert tortoise!


 Tina T is a beloved and respected figure in the DJ community. She is the creator of Camp Spin-Off, which was the only sleepaway DJ Camp for teens! It was an annual program that brought DJing to kids and paired them with real-life Professionals such as A-Trak and Lil Jon for in-person learning.


This episode is an awesome conversation as we learn what it’s like to have a desert tortoise and the fun stories that Tina T has about her pet family! You will love this episode of Industry Pets!

**Update 10.29.23
After posting the episode, I received a message from Tina. Unfortunately, her Chihuahua Oscar has passed away on Oct 18th 2023. Our condolences to Tina.

DJ Tina T’s Tortoise Eddie and Chihuahua Oscar (Oscar passed away Oct 18, 2023 Shortly before this episode was released.)


On a personal note. Tina T is one of the kindest people I have met in the DJ industry. I first hand got to witness the Camp Spin-Off Project during one of its final years. Tina is a very talented DJ and if you ever get a chance to see her spin I suggest you do so. Hit her up on social media!


I hope you all watch it and enjoy! Please leave a comment on YouTube, and if you are new to Industry Pets, welcome to the gang!

